Satyajit Ray Short Film Competition 2022 Part 1
India, Pakistan, Czech Republic | 80 mins | Cert: 15
The festival’s annual Satyajit Ray Short Film Competition is a rare chance to see the works of talented and emerging filmmakers who are exploring themes of South Asian experience, that also in different ways reflect the humanist ideals of the legendary filmmaker Satyajit Ray. The winner will be announced on 3rd July.
Available online during the festival and in cinema
London | Rich Mix
June 26, 2022 4:00 pm
Online (UK only) | LoveLIFFatHome
June 23, 2022 6:00 pm

7 Star Dinosaur Entertainment
Year: | Country: India
Director: Vaishali Naik | Run time: 20 mins |
Language: Hindi with English subtitles
Few years back, two brothers set up a Business together, ‘7 Star Dinosor Entertainment’. Dressed as giant dinosaurs they would dance to Bollywood songs at weddings and parties. Life was good until the Covid pandemic struck.

Kakathuruth (Crow Island)
Year: | Country: India
Director: Mohammed Ali Faisal | Run time: 24 mins |
Language: Malayalam with English subtitles
Set on a remote island in Kerala, Kakathuruth tells the tale of Jose, a newcomer to
the island, who befriends a local fish farmer. As their friendship develops it becomes clear that Jose may have an ulterior motive.

Bhai (Brothers)
Year: | Country: Pakistan
Director: Hamza Bangash | Run time: 7 mins |
Language: Urdu with English subtitles
On Pakistan’s independence day, two teenage boys go out to celebrate at a fast food restaurant – when a dancing monkey interrupts.

Destination Paradise
Year: | Country: Czech Republic
Director: Eshaan Yogesh Rajadhyaksha | Run time: 20 mins |
Language: Czech, Hindi, Ukranian with English subtitles
An illegal Indian Immigrant, en route to, what he hopes is a better life in London, finds himself stuck on a farm in the Czech countryside.

Year: | Country: India
Director: Sameer Sharma | Run time: 9 mins |
Language: Hindi with English subtitles
A biology teacher on the verge of retirement has to learn a new style of teaching as India enters lockdown. Will he be able to adapt and continue inspiring his students