Baganiya (Garden of Memories)
Director: Humaira Bilkis Run time: 56 mins | Recommended Certificate: 12A Language: Bhojpuri, Bengali with English subtitles | Year: 2018 | Country: Bangladesh

Filmed over the course of several months in Bangladesh’s remote tea fields, Baganiya follows the incredible lives of three labourers. Padmoluv Bunarjee, in the last stages of his life, still remains nostalgic of his British Colonial masters. Young Chieftan Sojoy Yadav feels trapped by history, but continues his work in the tea fields and school drop out Chandan wants to elude this work and exploitation altogether. Through the lives of these three individuals from different generations, Humaira Bilkis weaves an elegant tale of labourers, whose lives are still impacted by the framework of colonial rules that still govern the tea industry.
Online screening in partnership with Bertha DocHouse.
Online Q&A with Humaira Bilkis
Streaming online on [available for 24 hours]

Humaira Bilkis
Humaira Bilkis is a Dhaka based documentary filmmaker. Her films have been screened internationally. Her documentary “I Am Yet to See Delhi” has achieved a special mention by jury at New Asian Currents in Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, Japan, 2015. She just completed “Garden of Memories” based on her long-term relationship with the migrated tea plantation workers of north-east Bangladesh. Her interest in filmmaking is anthropocentric and she is interested in finding fictional qualities in a non-fiction genre by using creative treatment of actuality. Currently, she is working on her documentary "Bilkis and Bilkis", based on her relationship with her mother in the changing context of Bangladeshi society. She is an alumni of Docedge Kolkata, Dhaka Doc Lab and Berlinale Talent Campus.