Mutiny: Asians Storm British Music

Director: Vivek Bald
Run time: 83 mins | Recommended Certificate: 12A
Language: English | Year: 2003 | Country: UK


An absorbing and thrilling account of the contribution of Asian musicians to British pop in the 90s. Over the course of seven years Vivek Bald captured the rise and fall of what was always imperfectly described as the “Asian Underground”. Shot with virtually no budget in a style that mirrored the ethos of the featured legendary artists such as Asian Dub Foundation, Talvin Singh and Fun^Da^Mental. Mutiny: Asians Storm British Music is part music documentary, part social history and remains as a unique time-capsule on the music culture of the British Asian second generation.

In cinema Q&A with special guests



Vivek Bald

Film Screenings

London | Rich Mix
June 25, 2021 8:00 pm

Q&A with special guest

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