Thani Thatuwen Piyabanna (Flying With One Wing)

Director: Asoka Handagama
Starring: Anoma Janadari, Gayani Gisanthika, Mahendra Perera
Run time: 81 mins | Recommended Certificate: 15
Language: Sinhala with English subtitles | Year: 2003 | Country: Sri Lanka


A married man works as a mechanic in a small Sri Lankan town. His secret know to none but his wife, is that he is actually a woman. One day an accident causes his real gender to be discovered, setting off a chain of events that will change their lives forever. Asoka Handagama’s subversive film, originally banned domestically satirises homophobia and sexual bigotry while serving as a brutal indictment of the sexual harassment experienced by working women in Sri Lanka.

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Asoka Handagama

Film Screenings

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