Director: Deepa Mehta Run time: 101 mins | Recommended Certificate: 15 Language: Hindi, English with English with subtitles | Year: 1998 | Country: India, Canada

Set during the bloody and violent partition of India in 1947, Deepa Mehta’s second film in her “elemental trilogy” is an extraordinary tale of politics, love and revenge.
As India teeters on the brink of self-rule, Lenny – an eight-year-old, polio-stricken Parsee girl – witnesses the deep divisions that are soon to ravage her country. Part of a wealthy, non-partisan family in Lahore (an Indian city soon to become the capital of Pakistan), Lenny is looked after by her loving nanny Shanta (Nandita Das), who is caught between the affections Hasan, a peace advocating Muslim (Rahul Khanna) and Dil Navaz, the charming Ice Candy Man (Aamir Khan).
As reports of violence begin to surface in radio broadcasts and the political tensions grow, Shanta’s life is thrown into turmoil as she tries to keep Lenny safe, while the effects of the impending partition bring devastation to communities.
Deepa Mehta